Stefanie Marie Mutialu To Present Research at the OEOES Summer Research Fellowship Symposium

Lab member Stefanie Marie Mutialu will present her research at the Office of Educational Opportunity and
Enrichment Services (OEOES) Summer Research Fellowship Symposium at UC Davis
. This research is a collaborative project between the Cognitive Communication Science Lab and the researchers at The Ohio State University and University of Illinois Urbana Champagne.

Presentation Title: What Do People Remember From Narratives and Why Do We Remember It?
Date: September 4, 2022
Time: 3:20 – 3:40pm
Location: 114 South Hall, UC Davis
Abstract: The purpose of this presentation is to examine narrative persuasion in health message contexts. Many studies have found narratives to be more persuasive than non-narrative messages. However, people’s memory of information in these messages is not well understood. To address this gap, a recent study examined narrative persuasion and processing fluency by comparing narrative to non-narrative messages. Unexpectedly, the results showed participants had an increase in message recognition from non-narrative messages. Moreover, people had better message recognition when processing fluency was at a moderate level. We are currently conducting a follow-up study to verify this result. The importance of developing an understanding of the specific types of messages that strengthen persuasion can offer a different perception of how to deliver health and prosocial-related messages, ultimately making them more effective.