Richard Huskey recently attended the 2022 International Society for Human Ethology (ISHE) Congress in Würzburg, Germany. At ISHE22, Richard presented a lecture explaining the lab’s efforts using naturalistic neuroimaging to better understand how motivation influences cognitive control. He also gave a workshop explaining how researchers can use low-cost EEG headsets in naturalistic hyperscanning tasks. Both talks, and a relevant GitHub repository, are available below:
- Naturalistic Neuroimaging: Lecture
- Naturalistic Neuroimaging: Workshop
- Naturalistic Neuroimaging: Hyperscanning using Muse EEG
Tremendous thanks to the conference organizers (Frank Schwab, Michael Brill, Maximilian von Andrian-Werburg, Alicia Schäfer, Laura Rudolph) for the invitation to attend ISHE22!