The lab is excited to share five presentations at ICA23 this year, including two projects that earned a Top Paper award. In addition, Richard is the Communication Science and Biology Chair; he will be overseeing events related to the interest group. Hope to see you at ICA!
Friday, May 26
1:30 PM – 2:45 PM; 4 – Yorkville West (Sheraton). Gong, X., Andrews, M., Weisman, W., Huskey, R., Peña, J., Klein, V., Sarieva, S., Kang, R., Schmälzle, R., & Hancock, J. Intersubject Synchrony and Collaborative Task Performance: A Hyperscanning Paradigm Using AR Tangram and the Muse EEG.
3:00 – 4:15 PM; 2 – Churchill (Sheraton). Gong, X. BLUE SKY BIG IDEAS SESSION: Media Entertainment as an Authentic Field of Study: 21st Century Answers to Age-Old Questions.
Saturday, May 27
3:00 PM – 4:15 PM; 2 – Kent (Sheraton). Wang, P., Huskey, R., & Weber, R. Is Entering ‘Flow’ Related to an Increase or Decrease in Brain Connectivity? A Replication Study With Implications for the Synchronization Theory of Flow
Sunday, May 28
3:00 PM – 4:15 PM; M – Willow East (Sheraton). Gong, X., & Huskey, R. Media Selection is Highly Predictable, in Principle. Top Paper.
3:00 PM – 4:15 PM; M – Willow East (Sheraton). Riggs, E., Huskey, R., Shulman, H., Lynch, T., Fisher, J., Mutialu, S. The Impact of Cognitive Load on Recognition for Health Narrative Information. Top Paper.